
Start Rusty Train with cargo run --release:

Rusty Train

Load the 1867_bc example game, which is in ./examples/output/1867_bc.game, with Ctrl+O:

The 1867_bc example game

Press r to find the optimal routes for a company. Select the Great Western Railway and click OK:

Select a company

This company owns a 5-train and an 8-train, and does not receive any of the four bonuses listed on the right-hand side. Enter these details and click OK:

Select trains

The map is disabled and faded out while searching for the optimal routes:

Search for optimal routes

When the optimal routes are found, they will be drawn on the map (highlighted in green and in red) and the net revenue is shown in the window title:

Found optimal routes

Use the arrow keys (<Left>, <Right>, <Up>, <Down>) to cycle through the individual routes; the train name and route revenue are shown in the window title:

Show a single route

Press d to display the dividend payments:

Show dividend payments

Press Esc or Return to return to the Default mode.