Miscellaneous items

This page collects smaller to-do items for each crate, the test cases, and the examples.




  • n18map::descr::update_map: return a Result.

  • n18map::descr 117-119: want Map to support placing tokens by name, similar to placing tiles?

  • n18map::map: ParseHexAddressError, indicate in the returned error when we find an odd/even value instead of a required even/odd value.

  • We may want to allow Game objects to use Map::replace_tile to replace tiles that are not otherwise replaceable.

  • Modify Map::prev_col, Map::next_col, Map::prev_row, and Map::next_row to either

    • Return Option<HexAddress> values and return None if the previous/next address isn’t a valid hex; or

    • Keep decreasing/increasing the column/row number until a valid address is found.

  • Make HexAddress support more than 26 columns when converting to/from string coordinates.


  • n18route::builder: note in the doc strings that the “to_“ prefix is not a type conversion; these connectivity functions.

  • n18route::comb: odd that splitting at not-half-way gives worse performance:

    fn main() {
    // let range = (self.ix0_max - self.current_ix) as f64;
    // let denom = 2.0_f64.powf(1.0 / self.max_len as f64);
    // let delta = (range / denom).round() as usize;
    // let split_at = self.current_ix + delta;
  • n18route::path::Path:

    • add an append(other: Path) method to Path?
  • n18route::path: distinguish between Path (which defines track segments, hex faces, and cities that a train passes through) and Route (which defines the visits that the train makes).

  • n18route::search:

    • use rayon to iterate over connections.iter() in parallel?

    • use rayon to iterate over paths.iter().enumerate() in parallel?

    • depth_first_search(): should we allow starting at a dit? If not, store the starting city_ix in the context?

    • Adjacent red hexes are considered the same location and cannot be visited multiple times, so we should probably have adjacent red tiles contain a single city with track that connects to all of the other adjacent red tiles ... or have Tile define this instead (e.g., tile.is_offboard())?

      Further on, let off_board = tile_colour = ..., should Tile define this instead?

    • n18route::search::tests: also modify the map so that paths_from and paths_through return different revenues, and we can check that they’re each correct.


  • n18tile::city: rename Tokens to TokenSpaces or something similar.

  • n18tile::city: City::translate_coords() uses custom adjustments for HexPosition::Face and HexPosition::Corner, and City::delta_coords() duplicates some of HexPosition::to_coord().

    • Remove the custom position adjustments?
    • Define Delta::coord(hex: &Hex, from: Coord) -> Coord and use this in HexPosition::to_coord() and City::translate_coords()?
  • n18tile::city: add support for fine-grained rotation of cities; see the starting map tile for Kouchi in 1889 for an example.

  • Replace the bool field in n18tile::label::PhaseRevenue and n18tile::label::PhaseRevenueVert with a new enum type that has variants Normal and Emphasise?

  • n18tile::tile::Tile:

    • Break out the layer calculations into a separate struct, similar to connection::Connections?
    • Expose functions for drawing layers for integration tests?
      • pub fn tracks_in_layer(&self, layer) -> ?Vec?
      • pub fn cities_in_layer(&self, layer) -> ?Vec?
    • Mark track segments on red (and blue) tiles as terminal?
      • Involves adding a pub terminal: bool field to Track, with a default value of false, and adding a method mark_as_terminal()
  • n18tile::track::Track: define a private dit_direction(&self, hex: &Hex) -> Option<Coord> method?

    • The Track type really needs an internal dit_coord() method, it would replace a lot of duplicated code.

    • Verify that Track::dit_coord() actually agrees with the dit location!

    • Make track::Coords use Track::get_coord() for iteration, so that there’s only one piece of code that calculates track coordinates.


  • n18token:Token: it would be nice if each token owned its name, but then Token cannot implement Copy ...

    • This should be in the type and/or module documentation.
  • n18token:Tokens: implement IntoIterator for Item = (String, Token) ... be we need to specify the exact Iterator type, so we’d have to make our own struct that implements Iterator.


  • Add a new state that draws all of the track segments, etc, on off-board tiles, rather than only drawing the track segments on the off-board tile faces. Rather than adding a new flag to Tile, add a new Tile method that draws the tile and ignores the off-board special case, and add a new n18brush::draw_tiles() equivalent that calls this Tile method.

  • Do not allow the user to place tokens on off-board tiles that have hidden revenue centres (i.e., tiles for which tile.offboard_faces().is_some() is true).

Test cases

  • tests/connection_bonus: also try requiring only one of the skipped dits, adding to_any options that are/are not on the path, including Toronto and Montreal, and so on.

  • n18catalogue: test tile connections for most (all?) predefined tiles.

  • n18hex, n18tile, n18map: write tests cases for coordinates, tile layout, and map connectivity for Orientation::PointedTop.


Learn from the experience of implementing 1861 and 1867 and provide a variety of helper methods for implementing other games.

Consider dividing n18game into sub-modules:

  • tiles (catalogue)

    • Provide a TileBuilder type
      • .track(&mut self, Track)
      • .tracks(&mut self, IntoIterator<Item=Track>)
      • .city(&mut self, City)
      • .cities(&mut self, IntoIterator<Item=City>)
      • .onboard_faces(&mut self, IntoIterator<Item=HexFace>)
      • .build(&hex, colour, name: IntoString)
    • Collect key game information in a single place
      • i.e., special tiles AND their locations / initial_state.
  • addrs (define hex addresses and constants for each city)

    • Make each town and city’s location a static const value?
    • Simplify defining the full range of map hexes
      • Allow [A-Z]+[0-9]+ but must also support negative rows and columns.
  • map (initial state, phases)

  • tokens and/or company

    • May want to have tokens that are not part of a company for, e.g., national railways.


  • Should Kind::build() also take a n18hex::Orientation argument, so that the positioning of tile elements (such as labels) can depend on the hex orientation?