Dr Rob Moss

Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
The University of Melbourne
Office 335, 207 Bouverie St
(03) 8344 9430
rgmoss AT unimelb edu au
Rob Moss standing outside in front of a tree


My research focuses on predicting and mitigating the burden of infectious disease epidemics, through the use of mathematical/computational modelling and Bayesian inference. My primary focus is on seasonal and pandemic influenza, and (more recently) COVID-19. This includes:

I am a proponent of Reproducible Research, Open Access, and Free and Open Source Software, and produce open source software packages through my research activities (listed below).

A model that cannot be explained should not inform decisions that require justification.

Because the model said so

Interactive models

Open source software packages

Research networks

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