

I am preparing capstone projects for the Master of Data Science that build on data, methods, and outcomes from the research projects described below.

Project: Near-real-time epidemic forecasting

This project combines mathematical/computational models of infectious disease epidemics with near-real-time surveillance data and other supporting data streams, in order to predict future disease activity. A key challenge is deciding how to interpret incomplete data. Publications arising from this project include:

Project: Informing pandemic preparedness and response plans

This project uses mathematical/computational models of infectious disease epidemics to assess the impact of public health interventions and how available resources (such as antiviral drugs and vaccines) might best be used. A key challenge is defining what "best" actually means. Publications arising from this project include:

Project: Supporting response policy decision-making

This project links interpretation of near-real-time surveillance data to actions and decisions that are articulated in pandemic preparedness and response plans. A key challenge is appropriately accounting for, and communicating, uncertainty without causing decision paralysis. Publications arising from this project include: