In "Cardiorenal Syndrome: An Evolutionary Point of
Ito makes a number of very interesting observations about the evolutionary
history of the mammalian kidney, and potential implications this might have
for our organs' ability to cope with high salt intake, obesity, and a
sedentary lifestyle.
A teleological perspective of the renal architecture is also introduced, and
serves to illustrate hypotheses concerning the localisation of vascular damage
("strain vessels") and ischemic injuries.
Finally, the article is exceptionally concise and clear, without sacrificing
detail for brevity.
In "The Layer-Oriented
Approach to Declarative Languages for Biological Modeling", Raikov and De
Schutter propose a "layer-oriented" declarative language to map high-level
biological concepts to computational representations. The layer-oriented
approach was chosen because "additional functionality can be transparently
added to the language by adding more layers".
This is an area that has interested me ever since I began my PhD.
Domain-specific languages are a very neat way to express computational problems
in a manner that (hopefully) captures the essentials of the problem domain with
a minimum of noise. And declarative languages (e.g., logic languages such as
Prolog and Mercury, and
functional languages such as Haskell and
OCaml) are more readily able to
express the logic of a problem without (overly) digressing into the algorithmic
details of solving the problem.
I suppose my biggest concern with the layer-oriented approach is that an
extension to the language is presumably constrained by the existing
layers—a layer can only be added between two existing layers, or at the
top or bottom of the entire collection of layers. Thus, the choice of a core
set of layers would set fixed constraints on the concerns and the levels of
abstraction that an extension could possibly support. Of course, if a more
traditional Computer Science approach were taken (e.g., a core language and
syntactical extensions such as macros), then extensions would necessarily be
orthogonal and so constrained by the underlying language. At least, that's my
gut feeling.
In more practical terms, my exposure to the word of ontologies (spanning
physiology, biology, chemistry and physics) has given me a much greater
appreciation for the scope of model documentation and how such
documentation can be precisely defined and referenced. In my opinion, it would
be a great development for models to be presented with their parameter values
(or sets of parameter values) associated not only with ontological terms
(providing definitions that span different notations and presentations), but
also with references to the source data, review articles and modelling papers
from which the values were derived, fitted or compared against. This would be
a way of publishing a vast amount of the grunt-work that goes into developing
and analysing a model, in a concise and machine-readable format.
All in all, I think this is an idea that certainly needs to be given broad
consideration in the biological modelling world. By taking what little Computer
Science can offer (beyond farming large-scale computation to experienced
programmers and large multi-core systems), hopefully future biological models
can more clearly and succinctly communicate not only the "how", but
also the "what" and "why".
Ethics and organ donation
1 Feb 2012
"What makes killing
wrong?" ask Sinnott-Armstrong and Miller.
Not the loss of life or consciousness, but the loss of all remaining
It's an interesting proposition, whose practical consequences they outline with
regards to organ donation.
I'm somewhat envious of this work, because it deals with fundamental concepts
we're all familiar with and situations whose complexities we can all
Almost anyone could read this paper and appreciate the arguments and
Meanwhile, other fields of science continue to pursue knowledge on smaller and
smaller scales, at higher and higher levels of precision.
As per the oft-used quote (un-attributed, to the best of my knowledge):
"you learn more and more about less and less, until you know everything
about nothing."
Juxta-medullary nephrons are consistently found to have higher filtration
rates than superficial nephrons. Is this due to the underlying anatomy of the
cortical radial artery, from which the juxta-medullary afferent arterioles
branch before the superficial arterioles? Is it due to anatomical differences
in the glomeruli, such as length, surface area or permeability? Or is it
perhaps a matter of differences in the regulation of glomerular blood flow?
Due in part to the physical difficulty of observing juxta-medullary glomeruli
without damaging the kidney, this is not an easy question to answer. And
indeed, I have been unable to find any experimental results that directly
address this issue. The most relevant papers that I have been able to find
detail studies of the filtration rates in superficial and juxta-medullary
nephrons, without investigation of the underlying cause(s).
The (non-definitive) answer seems to be that redistribution of SNGFR is rarely
and inconsistently observed in adult models, and so the safest modelling
assumption is to assume a constant (or near-constant) ratio of juxta-medullary
to superficial SNGFR in the range 1.5–2.0.
Other papers that consider the distribution of SNGFR between the superficial
and deep cortex include:
Micropuncture studies on the
filtration rate of single superficial and juxtamedullary glomeruli in the rat
kidney (1968), which describes the bewildering observation that in
response to a high-sodium diet, the rats under observation showed almost a
two-fold increase in superficial SNGFR and almost a four-fold
decrease in juxta-medullary SNGFR.
Function of juxtamedullary
nephrons in normotensive and chronically hypertensive rats (1969) observes
that unilateral Goldblatt hypertension produced a slight increase in total
kidney GFR, but without a change in superficial SNGFR.
Sodium Metabolism and
Intrarenal Distribution of Nephron Glomerular Filtration Rates in the
Unanesthetized Rat (1974) addresses an earlier study where "anesthesia
may have blunted a physiological response" and concludes that "this
study supports the view that dietary sodium does not affect the intrarenal
distribution of nephron filtration rates."
A micropuncture study of renal
salt and water retention in chronic bile duct obstruction (1975), in
contrast, states "single nephron filtration fraction, calculated from
measurements of efferent arteriolar and arterial hematocrits, was
significantly elevated in the cortical nephrons, even though whole kidney
filtration fraction was the same as in normal rats."
Renal handling of sodium and
water in the hypothyroid rat: Clearance and micropuncture studies (1972)
showed that "superficial single nephron filtration rate was reduced
proportionately to the decrease in total filtration rate in the hypothyroid
rats. The data also suggest that the observed decrease in glomerular
filtration rate in the hypothyroid animals is not caused by a decrease in the
number of functioning nephrons and that the observed increase in sodium and
water excretion is not caused by a redistribution of filtrate from
juxtamedullary to superficial nephrons."
Effect of Dietary
Sodium Intake on the Intrarenal Distribution of Nephron Glomerular Filtration
Rates in the Rat (1973) comes to the same conclusion: "These
variations in dietary sodium intake appeared to have no detectable effect on
the intrarenal SNGFR distribution."
Abnormal relationship between
sodium excretion and hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
(1975) likewise agrees: "... indicating that no significant intrarenal GFR
redistribution occurs in SH [spontaneous hypertension] following an acute
hypertonic saline load."
The influence
of tubulo-glomerular feedback on the autoregulation of filtration rate in
superficial and deep glomeruli (1984) has great data and figures, except
that the results were obtained from young Sprague Dawley
rats, and as noted in several review articles, it appears likely that
structural changes with age modify the response of SNGFR distribution.
of glomerular filtration and renal plasma flow in CNS-induced natriuresis
(1986) shows an increase in the ratio between inner-cortical and outer-
cortical SNGFR with the infusion of hypertonic sodium chloride solution into
the third cerebral ventricle (Table 2 and Figure 2). I could
not determine if these results were obtained from young or adult rats.
Nephron functional heterogeneity
in the postobstructive kidney (1975) showed evidence of
"redistribution of nephron function after relief of chronic, rather than
acute, obstruction", which may be due to severe structural damage in the
chronic condition.
Isotonic saline loading and
intrarenal distribution of glomerular filtration in dogs (1972) indicates
"that a redistribution of glomerular filtration towards SUP [superficial]
nephrons is not responsible for the natriuresis observed in these conditions.
This finding is also in agreement with the data which demonstrate that the
vasodilatation occurring in the kidney following isotonic saline loading is
observed throughout the whole cortex."
Evidence for redistribution of
filtrate among nephrons after beta-adrenergic stimulation and blockade
(1974) is a study that does show evidence of SNGFR
redistribution: "Total kidney GFR did not change after both substances,
whereas superficial nephron GFR increased after propranolol by 35% and
decreased after isoprenaline by 35%. A redistribution of glomerular filtration
rates among nephrons therefore must have occured with a shift of the GFR to
deep nephrons after isoprenaline and to superficial nephrons after
Détermination du taux
individuel de filtration glomérulaire des néphrons accessibles et
inaccessibles à la microponction (1970) demonstrates a careful refinement
to Hanssen's technique of estimating SNGFRs in nephrons that are inaccessible
to micropuncture. Superficial and juxta-medullary SNGFRs were measured in non-
diuretic rats (29.1 and 40.1 nL/min, respectively).
Étude chez le rat des
variations du débit individuel de filtration glomérulaire des néphrons
superficiels et profonds en fonction de l'apport sodé (1970) is another
study by the same authors, who determined that "the increase of the GFR of
the whole kidney during salt loading was due to an increase of SGFR of all the
nephrons. However, the increase of SGFR was more important for the superficial
ones and the ratio SGFR superficial nephrons/SGFR juxtamedullary nephrons
which was 0.7 in the normal rats reached 1.0 in the salt-loaded rats,
indicating that there was no more functional heterogeneity of nephrons during
our salt loadings." This variation is compared to the sodium-dependent
intra-renal distribution of renin that has been observed in other studies.
Micropuncture study of
superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons in the rat (1970) found juxta-
medullary SNGFRs to be about double the superficial SNGFRs (60.2 and 25.6
nL/min, respectively).
Effect of saline infusion
on superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons in the rat (1971) observes that
superficial nephrons appeared to participate to a greater degree than
juxtamedullary nephrons in the response to acute volume expansion.
Effect of sodium balance
on intrarenal distribution of blood flow in normal man (1970) is a rare
study of the intra-renal distribution of blood flow in humans, but I cannot
say for sure whether it is directly relevant, since I do not know what the
"most rapid and second most rapid flow compartments" are.
On a side note, I'm happy to finally cite two papers by Christian de
Rouffignac, which were published in French.
It's funny how the mind works. The placebo effect remains an unknowable
mystery, where the body somehow compensates for an expected effect even in
cases where the subject is aware that they are receiving a placebo. On an
equally mysterious topic, I was deeply surprised when I first discovered the
serious consideration with which some bizarre superstitions were treated in
the healthcare field.
A mixture of papers concerning renal function and chronic kidney disease
(CKD), IgA nephropathy, and modelling tumour vascularisation and growth.
Tools for statistical analysis
21 Sep 2011
For me, the choice of platform came down to R or SciPy. I am aware of Sage, but it seemed like such a huge and
sprawling collection that I found it a little off-putting (and I suspect it
greatly exceeds my needs). In the end, I chose R because I
had (very limited) experience with it, and I figured I'd enjoy using a
statistical language more than a general-purpose language for this kind of
work. That's not to say I didn't get thoroughly confused at times, of course.
I found the following R packages and documentation very useful:
The R manuals and FAQs are a good place to start.
ggplot2 is a very flexible (and
pretty!) graphing package.
ROCR is a visualisation
package for evaluating classifiers (e.g., GLMs).
Writing R Extensions (in html and pdf) describes how
to write your own packages (such as my clumsy attempt as part of a
sensitivity analysis of the Guyton model).
If you're having difficulties, the R Inferno may be useful (from the
preface: "If you are using R and you think you're in hell, this is a map
for you").
The R community has recently started a wiki book, whose
sections are currently in varying stages of completeness.
In addition, there are several other tools that can be very handy at certain
g3data is an
excellent tool for extracting data points from published
GGobi is a visualisation tool for exploring
high-dimensional data.
Mondrian is an
interactive data visualisation tool.
But despite all the time I've spent with R and other statistical tools, I'm
still very much aware that I am a complete novice when it comes to statistics.
I really need to start reading some good foundational texts, although I always
ended up digging through the proofs and derivations because I'm rarely
comfortable unless I'm convinced I understand the how and the
This paper caught my eye a while back: "Positive" Results Increase Down
the Hierarchy of the Sciences (2010). To quote the abstract:
If the hierarchy hypothesis is correct, then researchers in "softer" sciences
should have fewer constraints to their conscious and unconscious biases, and
therefore report more positive outcomes. Results confirmed the predictions at
all levels considered: discipline, domain and methodology broadly
I wonder where the authors would classify this work on the soft/hard scale?
Bearing the plain title of Renal
Circulation (2011), this review article provides great detail about renal
microcirculation and autoregulation. It's probably just as useful for the
references as for the actual content.
Update: I didn't realise that this is a chapter from
Handbook of Physiology that is now available as part of Comprehensive
Physiology, and that this body of work is being regularly updated.