Evolution and chronic kidney disease

15 Nov 2013CKD oxygen vasculature

In "Cardiorenal Syndrome: An Evolutionary Point of View", Ito makes a number of very interesting observations about the evolutionary history of the mammalian kidney, and potential implications this might have for our organs' ability to cope with high salt intake, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. A teleological perspective of the renal architecture is also introduced, and serves to illustrate hypotheses concerning the localisation of vascular damage ("strain vessels") and ischemic injuries. Finally, the article is exceptionally concise and clear, without sacrificing detail for brevity.

Biological modelling and domain-specific languages

1 Jun 2012language modelling

In "The Layer-Oriented Approach to Declarative Languages for Biological Modeling", Raikov and De Schutter propose a "layer-oriented" declarative language to map high-level biological concepts to computational representations. The layer-oriented approach was chosen because "additional functionality can be transparently added to the language by adding more layers".

This is an area that has interested me ever since I began my PhD. Domain-specific languages are a very neat way to express computational problems in a manner that (hopefully) captures the essentials of the problem domain with a minimum of noise. And declarative languages (e.g., logic languages such as Prolog and Mercury, and functional languages such as Haskell and OCaml) are more readily able to express the logic of a problem without (overly) digressing into the algorithmic details of solving the problem.

I suppose my biggest concern with the layer-oriented approach is that an extension to the language is presumably constrained by the existing layers—a layer can only be added between two existing layers, or at the top or bottom of the entire collection of layers. Thus, the choice of a core set of layers would set fixed constraints on the concerns and the levels of abstraction that an extension could possibly support. Of course, if a more traditional Computer Science approach were taken (e.g., a core language and syntactical extensions such as macros), then extensions would necessarily be orthogonal and so constrained by the underlying language. At least, that's my gut feeling.

In more practical terms, my exposure to the word of ontologies (spanning physiology, biology, chemistry and physics) has given me a much greater appreciation for the scope of model documentation and how such documentation can be precisely defined and referenced. In my opinion, it would be a great development for models to be presented with their parameter values (or sets of parameter values) associated not only with ontological terms (providing definitions that span different notations and presentations), but also with references to the source data, review articles and modelling papers from which the values were derived, fitted or compared against. This would be a way of publishing a vast amount of the grunt-work that goes into developing and analysing a model, in a concise and machine-readable format.

All in all, I think this is an idea that certainly needs to be given broad consideration in the biological modelling world. By taking what little Computer Science can offer (beyond farming large-scale computation to experienced programmers and large multi-core systems), hopefully future biological models can more clearly and succinctly communicate not only the "how", but also the "what" and "why".

Ethics and organ donation

1 Feb 2012ethics

"What makes killing wrong?" ask Sinnott-Armstrong and Miller. Not the loss of life or consciousness, but the loss of all remaining abilities. It's an interesting proposition, whose practical consequences they outline with regards to organ donation. I'm somewhat envious of this work, because it deals with fundamental concepts we're all familiar with and situations whose complexities we can all appreciate. Almost anyone could read this paper and appreciate the arguments and conclusions.

Meanwhile, other fields of science continue to pursue knowledge on smaller and smaller scales, at higher and higher levels of precision. As per the oft-used quote (un-attributed, to the best of my knowledge): "you learn more and more about less and less, until you know everything about nothing."

Distribution of SNGFR in the cortex

11 Nov 2011anatomy autoregulation filtration vasculature

Juxta-medullary nephrons are consistently found to have higher filtration rates than superficial nephrons. Is this due to the underlying anatomy of the cortical radial artery, from which the juxta-medullary afferent arterioles branch before the superficial arterioles? Is it due to anatomical differences in the glomeruli, such as length, surface area or permeability? Or is it perhaps a matter of differences in the regulation of glomerular blood flow?

Due in part to the physical difficulty of observing juxta-medullary glomeruli without damaging the kidney, this is not an easy question to answer. And indeed, I have been unable to find any experimental results that directly address this issue. The most relevant papers that I have been able to find detail studies of the filtration rates in superficial and juxta-medullary nephrons, without investigation of the underlying cause(s).

The (non-definitive) answer seems to be that redistribution of SNGFR is rarely and inconsistently observed in adult models, and so the safest modelling assumption is to assume a constant (or near-constant) ratio of juxta-medullary to superficial SNGFR in the range 1.5–2.0.

Other papers that consider the distribution of SNGFR between the superficial and deep cortex include:

On a side note, I'm happy to finally cite two papers by Christian de Rouffignac, which were published in French.

Placebo effects and surgical superstitions

19 Oct 2011placebo superstition surgery

It's funny how the mind works. The placebo effect remains an unknowable mystery, where the body somehow compensates for an expected effect even in cases where the subject is aware that they are receiving a placebo. On an equally mysterious topic, I was deeply surprised when I first discovered the serious consideration with which some bizarre superstitions were treated in the healthcare field.

Renal function, IgA nephropathy and tumours

8 Oct 2011CKD nephropathy pathophysiology tumours

A mixture of papers concerning renal function and chronic kidney disease (CKD), IgA nephropathy, and modelling tumour vascularisation and growth.

Tools for statistical analysis

21 Sep 2011statistics

For me, the choice of platform came down to R or SciPy. I am aware of Sage, but it seemed like such a huge and sprawling collection that I found it a little off-putting (and I suspect it greatly exceeds my needs). In the end, I chose R because I had (very limited) experience with it, and I figured I'd enjoy using a statistical language more than a general-purpose language for this kind of work. That's not to say I didn't get thoroughly confused at times, of course. I found the following R packages and documentation very useful:

In addition, there are several other tools that can be very handy at certain times:

But despite all the time I've spent with R and other statistical tools, I'm still very much aware that I am a complete novice when it comes to statistics. I really need to start reading some good foundational texts, although I always ended up digging through the proofs and derivations because I'm rarely comfortable unless I'm convinced I understand the how and the why.

"Positive" results ...

14 Sep 2011philosophy of science

This paper caught my eye a while back: "Positive" Results Increase Down the Hierarchy of the Sciences (2010). To quote the abstract:

If the hierarchy hypothesis is correct, then researchers in "softer" sciences should have fewer constraints to their conscious and unconscious biases, and therefore report more positive outcomes. Results confirmed the predictions at all levels considered: discipline, domain and methodology broadly defined.

I wonder where the authors would classify this work on the soft/hard scale?

Renal vasculature

14 Sep 2011autoregulation vasculature

Bearing the plain title of Renal Circulation (2011), this review article provides great detail about renal microcirculation and autoregulation. It's probably just as useful for the references as for the actual content.

Update: I didn't realise that this is a chapter from Handbook of Physiology that is now available as part of Comprehensive Physiology, and that this body of work is being regularly updated.

Renal oxygen consumption

31 Aug 2011oxygen whole-kidney

Several papers that discuss the complexities of kidney oxygenation and the utility of mathematical models.