In thinking about the strengths and limitations of different surveillance
systems — from the perspective of infectious disease forecasting in my case,
but the point applies more generally — it becomes clear that there is
no silver bullet.
No one surveillance system will tell us everything we need to know in order to
understand the current impact of a disease on a population, or to predict the
future impact of a disease.
The surveillance pyramid
model illustrates this in a very nice and clear manner:
Figure 1: the (infectious disease) surveillance pyramid.
I've been learning a bit of Rust in the past few
weeks, mostly by writing some basic SIR-type models (both as ODE systems, and
as continuous-time and discrete-time Markov chains).
It takes most (maybe all) of the things that I like about
OCaml and adds more great features and safety guarantees,
thanks to its ownership model and lifetimes.
It's also very fast (no garbage collector, zero-cost abstractions) and has
fantastic tooling, although compilation
times can be very long, and package ("crate") availability can be very
I've enjoyed it enough that I'm looking forward to writing more Rust code in
the future.
Although I've no plans to rewrite pypfilt or
epifx in Rust any time soon!
Model selection for seasonal influenza forecasting
Two firsts in one: "Model selection for seasonal influenza
is Alex's first first-author
and my first last-author paper.
It will appear in an upcoming issue of Infectious Disease Modelling, a new
open access journal with a focus on the interface between mathematical
modelling, data analysis, and public health decision support.
This paper presents a likelihood-based method for selecting models that best
predict future data (when conditioned on past data), and uses it to evaluate
the predictive skill of disease transmission models that incorporate various
features, such as inhomogeneous population mixing and climatic effects on
I won't say any more here; if you're interested, read the paper!
The source code used to generate all of the results presented in this
manuscript is available under
the BSD 3-Clause license.
Originally prepared as a simple demo for 2016 Open Day, this
interactive model
allows the viewer to explore how a variety of epidemiological parameters
affect the size and duration of an infectious disease epidemic, such as:
The basic reproduction number \(\left(R_0\right)\), the average number of
persons that a single infectious individual will infect in an entirely
susceptible population;
The delay between being infected and becoming infectious
The duration for which an individual is infectious
The duration for which an individual is protected from re-infection
The degree to which individuals mix inhomogeneously \(\left(\eta\right)\);
The proportion of the population \(S(0)\) that is initially susceptible.
This is a deterministic SEIR meta-population model, where each individual
in the population is either susceptible to infection, has been exposed to
the pathogen, has progressed to being infectious, or has recovered from
infection and has (temporary or permanent) protection from reinfection.
The source code is
available under the BSD
3-Clause license.
A year has passed since my last post, and much has happened.
I contributed to 6 government reports, submitted 5 first-author papers, became
a reviewer for 4 more journals, gave 3 talks about our influenza forecasting
project, enrolled 2 jurisdictions in our forecasting project, and
joined 1 surveillance system.
Here is the 2015/16 financial year recap …
git clone rgm_kidney_vagrantvagrant up
This will open a virtual machine that includes the pre-compiled model
executable, allowing you to run model simulations and reproduce any of our
manuscript figures by double-clicking on a desktop icon!
Our first trial of live influenza forecasting for metropolitan Melbourne is
now available
online, using
publicly available surveillance data.
It will be very exciting to see how the forecasts evolve in the coming months!
In a recent modelling
we extended an existing model of afferent arteriole autoregulation
(originally presented by
Feldberg et al.) by adding an
explicit glomerulus and calculating model SNGFR in addition to afferent blood
and plasma flows.
See this description of our
extensions, the updated model equations, and a number of plots.
The source code is available
under the BSD 3-Clause license.
Building on observations in my previous modelling
we investigated how pressure natriuresis—in both diuresis and
antidiuresis—can be influenced by changes in medullary blood flow
autoregulation and by inhibition of transport in the proximal convoluted
tubule (PCT).
We found that inhibited reabsorption in the model PCT (to degrees consistent
with experimental measurements) is sufficient to stimulate a pressure
The challenge here is that there is insufficient experimental data to
quantify the pressure-dependent reabsorption inhibition in the PCT, but it
is precisely this response that appears to play the single largest role in
driving pressure natriuresis.
Our modelling study establishes a reasonable benchmark for this quantitative
relationship, which can be applied to future whole-kidney models.
We present a whole-kidney model that incorporates glomerular and tubular
function, differentiates cortical and medullary function, and describes
vascular and reabsorptive characteristics of the kidney.
Model simulations explore the regulation of renal function by aldosterone,
angiotensin II, and antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and also the inhibition of
sodium reabsorption in response to the administration of a thiazide and of
This model of integrated renal function is quite successful in simulating
renal function, although there are of course several caveats.
The article also provides a broad survey of both renal modelling and the
experimental literature.
In addition to the manuscript itself, interactive versions of a key
figure—a comparison of model excretion rates against data from a number
of experimental studies of acute pressure natriuresis in the rat—allow
the viewer to examine each data series in isolation and refer back to the
original articles.