Module SIunits.Common

module Common: sig .. end
A collection of commonly-used units.

Common units

This module predefines a number of units that are commonly used when describing tubular dimensions and epithelial transport properties.

type t = SIunits.Unit.t 


val sec : t
val min : t
val hour : t


val metre : t
val km : t
val cm : t
val mm : t
val um : t


val cm_per_sec : t
val cm_per_min : t
val um_per_sec : t
val um_per_min : t

Solute transport

val mmol_per_cm2_sec : t
val mmol_per_cm2_min : t
val nmol_per_cm2_sec : t
val nmol_per_cm2_min : t

Force and pressure

val newton : t
val pascal : t
val kilo_pascal : t
val mmHg : t

Flow rate

val l_per_sec : t
val l_per_min : t
val ml_per_sec : t
val ml_per_min : t
val ul_per_sec : t
val ul_per_min : t
val nl_per_sec : t
val nl_per_min : t
val pl_per_sec : t
val pl_per_min : t


val kelvin : t
val to_celsius : SIunits.Value.t -> float
Convert a temperature to degrees Celsius.
val to_fahrenheit : SIunits.Value.t -> float
Convert a temperature to degrees Fahrenheit.
val from_celsius : float -> SIunits.Value.t
Convert degrees Celsius to a temperature.
val from_fahrenheit : float -> SIunits.Value.t
Convert degrees Fahrenheit to a temperature.